Farm Classes
We are now offering a variety of classes on the farm. Our current lineup includes learning skills in butchering, making pasta and more. Dates are set by request only.
Butchering classes are offered only to people purchasing a half or full pig and they are held at our meat processing facility in Middlebury on the week-ends.
To purchase tickets to any of our current classes, please visit our store or contact ale directly [email protected].
Alessandra will break down half a carcass, talk about the different cuts and the different ways that Italian and US butcher break down pork. We will talk about how to cook the different cuts, techniques to break down the whole hog and how to prepare some insaccati (in the US called charcuterie). No experience needed. Come with a notebook and a hat (and a sweater). reservations can be placed by email ([email protected]). Please know that you need to be healthy (no flu, common cold or viruses) to participate in the class.
Cucinando - Learn to prepare traditional Italian dishes while practicing your italian $35
This event is held at the farm and is ideal for people that want to be exposed to the Italian language and/or want to practice their italian and also love food. We will make tagliatelle while chatting and then we will sit down and enjoy our product. Put together a group of 4+ people and call us to set up a date for the event.
Pasta Clinic - By request only